Minggu, 16 April 2017

Tugas 2 Softskill - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 26 : Adjective and Adverb 
1. well                        6. smooth
2. intense                    7. accurately
3. brightly                    8. bitter
4. fluent  9. soon
5. fluently  10. fast

Exercise 27 : Linking (Copulative) Verbs 
1. terrible  6. quick
2. well  7. diligently
3. good  8. vehemently
4. calm  9. relaxed
5. sick  10. noisy

Exercise 28 : Comparisons 
1. as soon 6. more talented
2. more important   7. more colorful
3. as well  8. happier
4. more expensive        9. worse
5. as hot  10. faster

Exercise 29 : Comparisons 
1. than                      6. than
2. than  7. as
3. from  8. than
4. from  9. than
5. as  10. from

Exercise 30 : Comparisons 
1. best  6. better
2. happiest  7. good
3. faster  8. more awkwardly
4. creamiest  9. least
5. more colorful          10. prettier

Exercise 31 : Nouns Functioning as Djectives
1. Twelve                     6. Five shelves
2. Language                7. 16 ounces each
3. Three acts               8. Six quarts
4. Two days                 9. Bricks
5. 79 pieces                10. Teen speeds

Exercise 32 : Enough
1. Enough people      6. Early Enough
2. Enough French      7. Hard Enough
3. Enough Time          8. Slowly Enough
4. Fast Enough           9. Enough Flour
5. Soon Enough         10. Book Enough

Exercise 33 : Because/Because of
1. Because                  6. Because
2. Because                  7. Because of
3. Because of              8. Because
4. Because                  9. Because
5. Because of             10. Because of

Exercise 34 : So/Such
1. So                             9. So
2. Such                         10.Such
3. Such                         11. So
4. Such                         12. So 
5. So                             13. Such
6. So                             14. So
7. Such                         15. So
8. So

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